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Finca Pampojilá 於 1800 年代末成立並正式註冊。 150 多年來,我們的農場一直在阿蒂特蘭湖南側美麗的山脈中種植咖啡,幾十年來它一直以高品質咖啡而聞名於歐美很少機會來到亞洲。 2012 年,我們的家人購買了很多不同的品種,並在熱帶風暴阿加莎造成的洪水打擊後進行了翻新。透過種植更好的阿拉比卡咖啡品種,我們看到產量、品質和植物的蟲蛀狀況迅速改善。在後製上也進行了現代化的改造,可以更好地研發酵和日曬咖啡手法。潘波吉拉 (Pampojilá) 擁有悠久的卓越歷史,我們的家族致力於為子孫後代不斷改進和分享。

我們的目標是只有透過手工國家: 瓜地馬拉

產區: 阿提特蘭湖

莊園:Finca Pampojila 亞特蘭提斯 莊園 (Anacafe 優勝莊園殊榮)

等級: S.H.B

高度: 1,200公尺


品種:肯亞魯伊魯11號 豆 RUIRU11


競標LOT 姊妹批次蜜處理

FINCA Pampojila 為主莊園,對外比賽都以主莊園為主,Finca comet 是Pampojila 的四大子莊園之一,佔據了幾乎60%的Atitilan lake 區,生產的每一個環節都遵循親身實踐的理念,首先是在咖啡成熟的高度手工採摘咖啡櫻桃,然後在監督下曬乾以確保其乾淨和甜美的複雜性。精心監控的發酵過程產生了異常明亮的酸度和清晰的風味。出於這個原因,這款瓜地馬拉的 Atitlan 豆有一種清脆、平衡的柑橘風味,濃郁而豐富,並帶有互補的酸味和甜味。

瑪雅人將這片非凡的土地命名為 Pampojilá [pam-poh-hee-lah/pãm.po.xi.ˈla]:「在雲霧中升起的土地」。採摘遮蔭生長的成熟咖啡豆,將整顆咖啡豆的個性提升到最純粹的色彩、風味和香氣,確保每杯咖啡都具有更甜、更複雜的體驗。經過仔細監控的發酵過程可產生異常明亮的酸度和清澈的風味。我們的咖啡沖泡出清爽、平衡的檸檬酸美味——濃鬱而豐富,酸而甜。 Pampojilá 種植的高海拔豆咖啡榮獲瓜地馬拉咖啡協會 (Anacafé) 頒發的多項獎項。

而且在母莊園pampojila 我們持續改善種植環境也得到了雨林聯盟認證。我們每年都會根據嚴格的標準進行審核,詳細標準包括:


而在子莊園之一的Finca Comet 堅持一套嚴格的可持續種植實踐,優先照顧他們的土地以及工人和季節性勞工。為工人提供有競爭力的工資、安全的工作環境,並為其家人提供醫療保健和教育 並 獲得雨林聯盟認證,是瓜地馬拉私人自然保護區協會 (GAPNR) 的成員,並享有瓜地馬拉咖啡協會 (Anacafé) 的多項殊榮。此外,為了保護該地區獨特的野生動物種群,Finca Comet 的大部分土地已被宣佈為 GAPNR 的一部分。

Mayans named this remarkable land Pampojilá [pam-poh-hee-lah/pãm.po.xi.ˈla]: “land where misty clouds rise”. Our farm is rich in volcanic soil part way up the Atitlán Volcano, rising above Lake Atitlán, where the south wind almost daily brings a moist cloud covering, providing natural afternoon shade to the coffee trees.

Finca Pampojilá was founded and formally registered in the late-1800’s. For over 150 years, the farm has been in coffee production in the beautiful mountains south-side of Lake Atitlán, and for many decades it’s been well-known for high quality coffees. In 2012, our family acquired the finca and renovated it after flooding from tropical storm Agatha. Through the planting of better varieties of Arabica coffee we saw production, quality, and plant health improve rapidly. The processing plant was modernized to better ferment and sun-dry the coffee. Pampojilá has a history of longstanding excellence that our family strives to improve and share for generations to come.

Pampojilá’s sustainable cultivation practices have been continuously improved and certified by the Rainforest Alliance. We are audited annually against a rigorous standard with detailed criteria including:

  • Environmental objectives (climate smart agriculture, ecosystem health, respect for biodiversity),

  • Social concerns (respect for the individual and the community, shared responsibility) and

  • Economic goals (improved rural livelihoods, living wage, continuous improvement- as well as long-term economic returns).

In keeping with our appreciation for the natural environment, most of Pampojilá’s land has been declared part of the Association of Private Nature Reserves of Guatemala to preserve the unique wildlife that is endemic to the area.

We aim to heighten whole bean personalities to their purest color, flavor, and aroma by only hand-picking shade-grown, ripe beans — ensuring a sweeter, more complex experience in each cup. A carefully monitored fermentation process results in exceptional bright acidity and flavor clarity. Our coffee brews into a crisp, well-balanced citric acid delicacy — lush and rich, tart but sweet. Proudly distinguished with multiple awards from the Guatemalan Coffee Association (Anacafé), Pampojilá cultivates Strictly Hard Bean (fancy) coffee.

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Weight N/A

1kg, 5kg, 15kg, 30kg

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